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let the government know why we need the money now

call your local member of parliament

It was great that the money was announced in the budget for educators’ wages, we now need this money in our pocket with no delay!

Two weeks ago, the Treasurer announced money in the budget to fund a much needed wage increase for Educators. This is fantastic news and we cannot underestimate how important this announcement was by a government in power.

The UWU delegate team that went to Canberra to hear the Budget met with several government ministers and have reported back that the money is coming.

Since the Budget, other UWU delegates have heard directly from the Minister for Finance and the Prime Minister that funding is in the budget for a wage increase.

The Treasurer said that the details will be made available after the Fair Work Commission (FWC) Annual Wage Review.  

The FWC announced on Monday the Annual Wage Review resulting in Educators on the award getting a pay increase of a 3.75% in July this year.

However, the FWC have said they need more time to gather evidence into the top up portion and will not finish until March 2025.

While we welcome that FWC are taking our demand for a top up for educators seriously, this cannot delay our pay increase.

The Government need to return to the table at the Fair Work Commission and finalise bargaining for the sector multi-employer bargaining agreement.

If you live or work in an area with a Labor MP, call their office today and ask they pass on this urgent message to the MP.

Why educators need this money now

“If we don’t get this wage increase fast, more and more workers will leave.”
“They now need to deliver on their promise.. time is of the essence, too many good people have already left”
“I worry that we can't offer the stability that the children need with such a high number of educators leaving because they cannot afford to stay.”
“The Government backed us all in at the budget, this could give me and my colleagues the reason we so badly need to stay.”
"I cried when I heard what the Treasurer said on budget night, this is long overdue, but we need to know the detail now, we can't wait any longer”


  • Everyone recognises the workforce crisis in early learning,
  • The PM has made it very clear his commitment to fixing the wages issue driving this crisis, in fact he made access to early education a clear commitment since last election. 
  • We cannot wait any longer for a wage increase, the government need to step back in, use the multi-employer bargaining process and get wages moving as quickly as possible.
  • Educators, families,  everyone knows that doing nothing until March next year will simply result in more educators leaving and the crisis in early learning becoming even worse. 

Whether you work for an employer that is part of bargaining the new sector multiple-employer agreement like G8 or you’re employed by Goodstart where the wage increase will directly impact the Goodstart wage offer –  getting the Government back to table at the Fair Work Commission and finalise bargaining means a wage increase is a step closer for everyone.

Once you have left a message with your MPs office, let us know which MPs office you spoke to and why you said they needed to act now.

Send your Mp a follow-up email

To ensure your MP does not forget about your urgent message, send them a follow up email reiterating why the Government must come back to table at the Fair Work Commission and finalise bargaining.
Feel free to download and attach the below digital flyer to your email.

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Authorised by T. Kennedy, United Workers Union, 833 Bourke St, Docklands, VIC 3008