School cleaners from across NSW will meet with Members of Parliament today to demand that planned cuts to cleaning hours across 480 schools be scrapped.
At this stage it is unclear which schools will be affected, but the Union is aware of some schools that have received correspondence from the Department of Education notifying them that cleaning hours at their school will be reduced.
Workers will meet with MPs today to outline the disastrous effect these cuts will have on jobs and the health and safety of NSW schools and communities.
Cleaners are members of United Workers Union (UWU) and will be joined by UWU National President Jo Schofield at a press conference in relation to slated cuts at 12 pm.
Quotes attributable to Jo Schofield:
“We are very concerned that in the middle of a pandemic the NSW Government is slashing the time our dedicated school cleaners have to keep schools and communities safe. It’s shocking.
“We want to confirm which schools make up the 480 that are slated for cuts and demand that this decision is reversed.”
Who: NSW school cleaners and UWU National President Jo Schofield
What: Workers to hold press conference ahead of meeting with MPs
Where: Boardroom of the Opposition Leader, Level 6, Parliament House, Macquarie Street
When: 12pm Wednesday 9 June
Media Contact: Jess Flood 0424 530 019 or [email protected]