United Workers Union welcomes the State Government’s bill to criminalise wage theft.
The union representing Queensland contracting workers, including security, cleaning, hospitality and more, welcome the introduction of the bill to criminalise wage theft.
The Palaszczuk Government announced the amendments in March to the state Criminal Code to tackle wage theft following a Queensland Parliamentary Inquiry.
United Workers Union spokesperson for Property Services Damien Davie said: “This is another step in the right direction by the Palaszczuk Labor Government.
“It is good to have the details of the legislation, as any changes must ensure wage thieves are being criminally prosecuted – whether the theft is a one off or ongoing, and the individuals who are responsible held accountable.
“Offences must extend to the falsification of worker records and the failure to keep worker entitlements.
“United Workers Union members are frequently victims of wage theft, feeling the impact of zombie agreements that are below award, dodgy labour hire operators, sham contracting and missing out on super and entitlements.
“Our members met with Minister Grace last week to share their stories of rampant, systemic wage theft and the urgent need for laws to crack down on dodgy bosses using this as a business model.
“As we continue to face the effects of the COVID-19 health pandemic, it cements the need to end abhorrent employer behaviour.
“Today’s announcement is a reminder of Scott Morrison and the Federal Coalition’s truly damning inaction on wage theft.
“The Morrison Government are continuing with their anti-worker agenda – they’re taking no action to stop wage theft and actively undermining super. In just a matter of weeks the Morrison Government intends to scrap JobKeeper and slash JobSeeker to $40 per day, abandoning tens of thousands of workers.
Victoria passed wage theft laws in June. United Workers Union members will continue to fight to ensure all workers across the country have strong and effective wage theft laws that deliver outcomes.
Media contact: 1300 898 633, [email protected]