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I have been deemed retired, since last year of September due to illness, was diagnosed with Pancreas Cancer, had the operation & lost my spleen & half the pancreas, am dependent on insulin once a day, I am since a month ago in remission, but the specialist are keeping a close eye on me as I have to do blood 🩸 test every month & CTScan. Did 2 months of chemo but had severe side affects from it, so much so that if I had not stopped it & notified the cancer specialist I would have had permanent Damage.
This Virus 🦠 if I contract it or even a 🤧 flu would be a life sentence. I live in a bubble since after the operation, back last year.

Our website is hosted on 100% carbon neutral servers in Naarm (Melbourne). The United Workers Union is committed to creating the secure & future-proof jobs workers and their communities need as our country continues to transition to a net zero economy.

UWU acknowledges that we meet and work on the unceded lands of First Nations peoples. We wish to pay respect to their Elders — past and present — and acknowledge the important role all First Nations peoples continue to play within Australia and in our union.

© United Workers Union 2025. All Rights Reserved.

Authorised by T. Kennedy, United Workers Union, 833 Bourke St, Docklands, VIC 3008