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Essential workers at the South Australian Water Corporation are resolute in taking a stand against the public utiliy’s efforts to divide and conquer.

In July, workers at SA Water rejected the organisation’s substandard offer and as a result are taking industrial action today at sites across the State.

The protected action will see workers walk-off the job for an hour from 11:00am at sites which include depots, locks, water treatment plants, reservoirs and pipelines.

United Workers Union Allied Director Godfrey Moase said that a corporation which posted a before tax profit last year of more than $300 million could more than afford to meet the workers’ claims for fair wages and job security.

“Workers at SA Water are those who kept water running during the ongoing COVID-19 threat and are considered essential to ensure South Australia doesn’t come to a standstill,” Moase said.

“Instead of acknowledging the workers’ efforts during this time, the corporation attempted to undermine the bargaining process by arrogantly putting out a subpar offer to its 1500 workers not just once, but twice.

“SA Water workers saw through the charade and are now taking action to demonstrate how serious they are in securing wages and conditions which properly reflect their labour and sacrifice.”

SA Water, which is wholly owned by the State Government, spent $769,257.20 on consultants for the 2019/20 finanacial year, while the chief executive was paid more than $450,000 for the same period. Meanwhile the average SA water worker earns $57,000-a-year.

Workers have signalled that they will take further strike action if a fair agreement cannot be reached.

Quotes that can be attributed to anonymous SA Water workers:

Due to the importance and nature of our job we are already strectehd to the limit. I have a young family and they need for me to have set hours of work to be a father and husband” – SA Water construction and maintenance worker from Port Pirie

“The company proposal to change to the hours of work will disrupt our family and social life.” – SA Water construction and maintenance worker from Port Pirie

Having unstructured start and finish times on a daily basis ruins the social fabric of our family life.” – SA Water construction and maintenance worker from Port Augusta

“Living in a regional area means any unplanned changes to start and finish times will be a huge distuption to childcare arrangements and any other family commitments outside of normal working hours.” – SA Water construction and maintenance worker from Jamestown


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