This page is used by the Union to inform members and the public on matters of importance and as required by applicable legislation.
The United Workers Union came into operation from 11 November 2019 (the amalgamation day) as a result of the successful amalgamation between the National Union of Workers and United Voice. Accordingly some of the information on this page includes reporting or disclosures of the amalgamating unions that commenced prior to the amalgamation day but it is necessary to continue to publish after the amalgamation day.
Public Notices - United Workers Union
Important Policies & Notices
Click here to read the terms & conditions for the United Workers Union ‘Update Contact Details’ prize draw
The draw took place on Friday 3, December 2021 at 16:00pm and was be drawn by an authorized officer of the UWU at 833 Bourke Street Docklands and witnessed by two other UWU officials.
Congratulations to the three prize winners. Each of the winners have been contacted by the Union to inform them.
Notice to Members – United Workers’ Union Industrial Union of Employees, Queensland (UWUQ)
UWUQ is the State counterpart of the UWU.
On 5 September 2022, the UWUQ filed an application for an exemption from the requirement to hold elections with the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC).
A copy of the application can be downloaded here.
Members of UWUQ may object to the application.
Any notice of objection must be in the form provided for by the QIRC, state the reasons for the objection and be filed with the QIRC Registry within 35 days of 5 September 2022 and accompanied by a statement of facts that any objector relies upon.
The Union’s Quadrennial Convention met on 27 to 29 July 2022.
On 27 July 2022 the Returning Officer declared the election of National Officers – a copy of the declaration can be downloaded here.
On the same day the Returning Officer declared the election of Member Councillors – a copy of the declaration can be downloaded here and here.
The election for UWU Convention Delegates has now concluded. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) declared all candidates elected on March 31, 2022. The Declaration of Results can be viewed here. The AEC’s Post Election Report and the Union’s response can be found below.
Reports & Disclosures
The National Executive approved the annual financial report of the Union for the year ending 30 June 2024 at its meeting held on 17 October 2024. You can view the report here.
Administrative Regulations
Rule 66 of the UWU rules allow the Union’s Member Council or the National Executive to make administrative regulations for the administration of the Union and that when made or amended that they be placed on the Union website.
Copies of administrative regulations are available to view below.
Notices to Members
The National Convention of the UWU comprises delegates elected by the Union’s industrial membership who reside in electorates which are determined by the organisation’s Rules and the Union’s Member Council.
The number of Convention delegates is determined by amongst other things, the grouping together of electoral divisions of the House of Representatives under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Cth) in a manner that ensures each electorate has at least 2,500 industrial members residing in it.
For the purposes of the conduct of Quadrennial elections scheduled to occur in 2022, the Member Council at its meeting of 25 November 2021 determined electorates for the purposes of the number of Convention delegates and allocation of industrial members to each electorate
Rule 9(j) requires that the electorates of the Union along with the Commonwealth Electorates that comprise each electorate be made available on the Union’s website. You can view a copy of the electorates here.
Rule Alteration – 4 August 2021
On 4 August 2021 the UWU lodged a notice of particulars of a rule alteration with the Fair Work Commission. The alteration is intended to alter the eligibility rules of the Union to cover employees engaged in cleaning, security and food preparation who are employed at hospitals in the Australian Capital Territory that are presently employed by private sector operators but may in the future be employed directly by the Territory Government. You can download a copy of the particulars below.
The application refers to an Attachment A which is a copy of the current rules of the UWU. This attachment is not included in the download. You can access the current rules by clicking the link on the Fair Work Commission website.
The Application was amended on 4th December 2023.
Download the attachments (amended application) here:
Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW)
Take notice that the National Union of Workers, New South Wales Branch has on 7 September 2022
applied to the Supreme Court of NSW for its registration under the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW) to be cancelled.
Any person who objects to that application being granted should contact Paul Richardson within
14 days of the publication of this notice. Email: [email protected]
The Fair Work Commission has made an interim bargaining order.
The order, during its period of operation, in summary, restrains the United Workers’ Union (including through its officers, servants and agents) from any obstruction of access to, or egress from:
i. the Mulgrave site which includes the Melbourne National Distribution Centre at 522 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave VIC 3170 and the Mulgrave support office or any other entry point to the Mulgrave Site;
ii. the Hoxton Park Distribution Centre (HPDC) at 40 Blackbird Cl, Hoxton Park NSW 2171 or any other entry point to the HPDC;
iii. Melbourne Fresh Distribution Centre (MFDC) at 85 Foundation Rd, Truganina VIC 3029 or any other entry point to MFDC; and
iv. the Melbourne South Regional Distribution Centre (MSRDC) at 2 Portlink Dr, Dandenong South VIC 3175 or any other entry point to MSRDC. (together, the Sites).
The UWU no longer authorises or supports any obstruction of access to, or egress from, the Sites. We expect that anyone who is affiliated in any way with the UWU will not engage in any obstruction of access to, or egress from, the Sites and takes any steps to ensure that they are not preventing, hindering or interfering with persons or vehicles accessing or exiting the Sites. Specifically, we ask any members of the UWU not to:
- prevent, hinder, interfere with or otherwise obstruct, or attempt to prevent, hinder or interfere with or otherwise obstruct, free access to and free egress from the Sites by any person or vehicle;
- advise, cause, induce, procure or incite any other person to do so; or
- make, publish, disseminate or distribute any statement or representation (whether in or to the media, in or on social media or howsoever otherwise) suggesting or indicating that any other person should do so, or expressing support (however described) for any other person doing so.
Read in full here.