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Read the current agreementapplies until October 10th, 2021:

Click the red box below to read the full agreement:

UNITED WORKERS UNION Membership Agreement


Account means the account nominated on your Membership Application, whether a credit or debit account or howsoever named, from which we are authorised to arrange for your Union fees to be deducted from or charged to.

Agreement means the Union Membership Fee Agreement, as amended from time to time, which incorporates your signed Membership Application.

Financial Institution means the institution noted on your Membership Application Form where you hold the Account.

PRD means Payroll Deduction

Union/We/Our means the United Workers’ Union

You, Your means the person who signed the Membership Application Form.

State Unions

Eligible members in NSW, WA, Tas and Qld by their application to join the United Workers Union also become members of respectively United Voice, New South Wales Branch, United Workers’ Union WA, United Voice, Tasmanian Branch or United Voice, Industrial Union of Employees, Queensland.

Resignation from membership from the UWU will be treated administratively as resignation of your respective State Union (if any).

Direct Debit, Employer Release & Credit Card Payment Service Terms 

On receipt of your signed Membership Application, which includes your payment request, the Union will commence deductions on, or as soon as possible after, the date specified by you. If you have not nominated a commencement date, we will commence deductions as soon as possible after your membership form has been processed. By submitting your signed Membership Application, you acknowledge that you have been informed of your fee amount. The Union’s fees may be revised from time to time. If there are any changes to the Union’s fees, we will advise you of this on the Union’s website and/or via email.

By submitting your signed Membership Application and payment request, you further authorise:

  1. the Union to verify the details of the Account with your Financial Institution, if required, and
  2. The Financial Institution to release information allowing the Union to verify the above mentioned Account details.

The Direct Debit facility is implemented through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System. It is not available on all accounts. If you are unsure if you have the correct type of account please contact your Financial Institution.

Please ensure that there are sufficient funds/credit in the Account to cover your membership fees as your Financial Institution may charge both yourself and the Union a dishonour fee if there are insufficient funds to cover this transaction.

If your payment is rejected by the Financial Institution for any reason, the Union will attempt to recover the missed payment either:

  • at the time of, and in conjunction with, your next scheduled payment; or
  • If unsuccessful, alter the ordinary date of payment or payment frequency by giving notice of the alteration as is practicable.

A payment failure(s) may affect the status of your membership.

For all matters relating to your payment request, including cancellation, alteration, payment waiver, or to stop or defer a payment, or to query or dispute a previous payment, please
contact us to discuss ([email protected] (02) 8204 3001). Please allow 14 days for any requested changes to take effect or for our response to any query or dispute.

If you have been incorrectly debited, we will arrange for either your Account to be credited or your ‘paid to’ date to be adjusted. If we reasonably believe you have been correctly debited we will inform you of such and provide with any relevant documents. You may refer the matter to your Financial Institution if we cannot resolve the matter.

Payroll Deduction Service Terms

 On receipt of your signed Membership Application, and completed PRD Request, the Union notify your employer and deductions will commence on, or as soon as possible after, your first pay period after your employer has been notified.

By submitting your signed Membership Application, you acknowledge that you have been informed of your fee amount. The Union’s fees may be revised from time to time. The Union’s fees may be revised from time to time. If there are any changes to the Union’s fees, we will advise you of this on the Union’s website and/or via email. We will also notify your employer of any change to your fees and your employer will implement through your payroll deduction arrangement.

By submitting your signed Membership Application, you authorise the Union to discuss your PRD payment terms with your employer.

The Union will endeavour to contact you if your PRD cannot be processed for any reason. If the Union is unable to contact you, this may affect the status of your membership.

For all matters relating to your payment request, including cancellation, alteration, payment waiver, or to stop or defer a payment, or to query or dispute a previous payment, please
contact us to discuss ([email protected] (02) 8204 3001). Please allow 14 days for any requested changes to take effect or for our response to any query or dispute.

If you believe you have been incorrectly debited, we recommend that you speak with your employer.


Resignation from the union is governed by the Union Rules, which you agreed to abide by upon your application to join the union. The following sets out the practical information you may need in order to resign your membership.

You have the obligation to resign your membership should you no longer wish to remain a member or where you are no longer eligible for membership. The union has no obligation to verify your continued intention to remain a member. Your continued payment of union fees will be taken as evidence of your intention to remain a member and your eligibility to do so. If you are paying your union fees by payroll deduction, it is your responsibility to notify your employer and to request that it cease its payroll deduction of your fees. The Union will not do so on your behalf.

You must notify the Union as soon as you are no longer eligible to remain a member. This will occur where you are no longer employed in an industry or occupation covered by the union and are not looking for a job in one of the union’s areas of coverage. If you are unsure whether we continue to be the right union for you upon a job change, please contact our Membership Services Team: [email protected](02) 8204 3001.

If at any time you wish to resign from the Union, including where you are eligible to remain a member or where you have left the union’s areas of coverage, you must do so in writing. The Union will accept resignations via email: [email protected] or post: 833 Bourke St, Docklands, VIC 3008.

The Union also currently accepts resignations via telephone to our Membership Services Team (02) 8204 3001. Verbal notice will also be accepted where it has been given to a union official, and that official undertakes to pass it on to our Membership Services Team on your behalf.

Written notice will not be accepted in certain circumstances, including but not limited to:

  • Email reply to a ‘no-reply’ email address hosted by the union
  • Email to a workplace delegate
  • Messaging the union over its social media platforms
  • Via SMS, including a reply to a SMS sent by the union
  • Resignation on your behalf by someone other than a union official or a legal guardian

Verbal notice will not be accepted in certain circumstances, including but not limited to:

  • Advising a workplace delegate
  • Advising a union official where that official advises you to put your resignation in writing
  • Leaving a voice mail
  • Resignation on your behalf by someone other than a union official or a legal guardian

Where you are receiving support from the union in relation to a workplace issue and the union becomes aware of the termination of your employment, redundancy or your extended leave from the workplace, the union will not affect a resignation and you must provide us with a written or verbal resignation via the means outlined above.

The union reserves the right at any time to reject a notice of resignation where it is not in accordance with the Union Rules.



Your resignation will be processed as soon as practicable. You will receive an acknowledgment of your request to resign and your fees will be placed on hold. Please take into account that it can take up to 3 business days for fees to be stopped. The union may seek to contact you to discuss your resignation. A final confirmation of your resignation will be sent two weeks following the acknowledgment.

You may retract your resignation request prior to receipt of the final confirmation correspondence. To do so, please contact our Membership Services Team: [email protected](02) 8204 3001.

You are liable for all membership subscriptions, fines, levies and dues owing to the union up to the date the resignation is processed.

Once your resignation has been processed, you can no longer request support or assistance from the union nor can you participate in the affairs of the union. If you seek to re-join the union, the union may exercise its discretion and decline to assist you with any workplace or other issue which occurred in a period of non-membership. A break in your membership may also impact your right to nominate for a position or an office of the union.


The Union Rules do not require the Union to refund membership fees, however the Union may elect to do so in whole or in part on an ex gratia basis if:

  • You have paid fees in advance for an extended period following the resignation;
  • You have left employment and no longer work in industry covered by the union AND are suffering financial hardship;
  • You can demonstrate exceptional or compelling circumstances.

Where a member has deceased, and notification to the union has been delayed by the member’s next of kin, the union will also consider refunding fees.

The decision to refund fees, as well as the refund amount, is at the sole discretion of the union.

The refund amount will be limited to:

  • In the case of ex gratia refunds, as applicable:
    • The pro rata amount of union fees paid for the period of membership following resignation; or
    • The amount of fees paid to the union from the time the member’s employment terminated to the date the union was provided notice of the resignation request; or
    • Another amount deemed fair and equitable by the union.

Ex gracia refunds will be limited to maximum of three months of membership fees.

Relevant documentation such as a separation certificate from previous employers, proof of correspondence with the union etc. may be requested.

All refunds must be approved by the National Executive. This power has been delegated in accordance with Union Rules to senior officers.

Whilst an administrative expense is incurred by the Union in processing all refunds, the Union, in the exercise of its discretion, currently only charges an administrative fee for amounts over $100. The administrative fee is $10.

If a refund is provided to you, you should be aware that there may be tax implications in relation to claims for tax deductions for your union fees. You are advised to seek appropriate tax guidance.


The Union will keep your original Membership Application in a secure and private environment. The Union is bound by the Privacy Act 1988  (Cth) and any information, such as bank details that you supply, will be treated as confidential and disclosed only in accordance with this Agreement, the Union’s Privacy Policy [www.unitedworkers.org.au/privacy], or otherwise with your consent or as required by law.


This Agreement is governed by the by the laws of the State of Victoria, including applicable Commonwealth laws.

If any provision of this Agreement is found to be illegal, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of the Agreement will continue in force.

We may vary any details of this Agreement at any time by giving You at least 14 days written notice.

This Agreement is in effect on and from March 1, 2021 and remains in effect until further notice.

Read the updated Membership Agreement effective from October 11th, 2021:

Account means the account nominated on your Membership Application, whether a credit or debit account or howsoever named, from which we are authorised to arrange for your Union fees to be deducted from or charged to.

Agreement means the Union Membership Fee Agreement, as amended from time to time, which incorporates your signed Membership Application.

Financial Institution means the institution noted on your Membership Application Form where you hold the Account.

PRD means Payroll Deduction

Union/We/Our means the United Workers’ Union

You, Your means the person who signed the Membership Application Form.


Upon acceptance of your application to join the Union, you agreed to abide by the Union’s Rules and its Member Code of Conduct.  Please note that a breach of the Code can constitute grounds for misconduct under the Union Rules. A finding of misconduct can result in expulsion from the Union.


Eligible members in NSW, WA, Tas and Qld by their application to join the United Workers Union also become members of respectively United Voice, New South Wales Branch, United Workers’ Union WA, United Voice, Tasmanian Branch or United Voice, Industrial Union of Employees, Queensland. This includes any change in name to any of the aforementioned entities, howsoever referred to in our Membership Forms or in this Agreement.

Resignation from membership from the UWU will be treated administratively as resignation of your respective State Union (if any).


On receipt of your signed Membership Application, which includes your payment request, the Union will commence deductions on, or as soon as possible after, the date specified by you. If you have not nominated a commencement date, we will commence deductions as soon as possible after your membership form has been processed. By submitting your signed Membership Application, you acknowledge that you have been informed of your fee amount. The Union’s fees may be revised from time to time. If there are any changes to the Union’s fees, we will advise you of this on the Union’s website and/or via email.

By submitting your signed Membership Application and payment request, you further authorise:

  1. the Union to verify the details of the Account with your Financial Institution, if required, and
  2. The Financial Institution to release information allowing the Union to verify the above mentioned Account details.


The Direct Debit facility is implemented through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System. It is not available on all accounts. If you are unsure if you have the correct type of account please contact your Financial Institution.

Please ensure that there are sufficient funds/credit in the Account to cover your membership fees as your Financial Institution may charge both yourself and the Union a dishonour fee if there are insufficient funds to cover this transaction.

  • If your payment is rejected by the Financial Institution for any reason, the Union may contact you by SMS, phone or by email and may attempt to recover the missed payment: Where you pay weekly or fortnightly: at the time of, and in conjunction with, your next scheduled payment upon SMS notification to you;
  • Where you pay monthly, quarterly or annually: by altering the ordinary date of payment by giving notice of the alteration as is practicable to you; or
  • If prior attempts are unsuccessful, alter the ordinary date of payment or payment frequency by giving notice of the alteration as is practicable to you.


A payment failure(s) may affect the status of your membership.

For all matters relating to your payment request, including cancellation, alteration, payment waiver, or to stop or defer a payment, or to query or dispute a previous payment, please
contact us to discuss ([email protected] (02) 8204 3001). Please allow 14 days for any requested changes to take effect or for our response to any query or dispute.

If you have been incorrectly debited, we will arrange for either your Account to be credited or your ‘paid to’ date to be adjusted. If we reasonably believe you have been correctly debited we will inform you of such and provide with any relevant documents. You may refer the matter to your Financial Institution if we cannot resolve the matter.


On receipt of your signed Membership Application, and completed PRD Request, the Union notify your employer and deductions will commence on, or as soon as possible after, your first pay period after your employer has been notified.
By submitting your signed Membership Application, you acknowledge that you have been informed of your fee amount. The Union’s fees may be revised from time to time. If there are any changes to the Union’s fees, we will advise you of this on the Union’s website and/or via email. We will also notify your employer of any change to your fees and your employer will implement through your payroll deduction arrangement.
By submitting your signed Membership Application, you authorise the Union to discuss your PRD payment terms and to verify your identify, if required, with your employer.
The Union will endeavour to contact you if your PRD cannot be processed for any reason. If we are unable to reach you and/or you do not contact us to discuss your payment with you, , this may affect the status of your membership.
For all matters relating to your payment request, including cancellation, alteration, payment waiver, or to stop or defer a payment, or to query or dispute a previous payment, please
contact us to discuss ([email protected]; (02) 8204 3001). Please allow 14 days for any requested changes to take effect or for our response to any query or dispute.
If you believe you have been incorrectly debited, we recommend that you speak with your employer.


Resignation from the union is governed by the Union Rules, which you agreed to abide by upon your application to join the union. The following sets out the practical information you may need in order to resign your membership.

You have the obligation to resign your membership should you no longer wish to remain a member or where you are no longer eligible for membership. The union has no obligation to verify your continued intention to remain a member. Your continued payment of union fees will be taken as evidence of your intention to remain a member and your eligibility to do so. If you are paying your union fees by payroll deduction, it is your responsibility to notify your employer and to request that it cease its payroll deduction of your fees. The Union will not do so on your behalf.

You must notify the Union as soon as you are no longer eligible to remain a member. This will occur where you are no longer employed in an industry or occupation covered by the union and are not looking for a job in one of the union’s areas of coverage. If you are unsure whether we continue to be the right union for you upon a job change, please contact our Membership Services Team: [email protected](02) 8204 3001.

If at any time you wish to resign from the Union, including where you are eligible to remain a member or where you have left the union’s areas of coverage, you must do so in writing. The Union will accept resignations via email: [email protected] or post: 833 Bourke St, Docklands, VIC 3008.

The Union also currently accepts resignations via telephone to our Membership Services Team (02) 8204 3001. Verbal notice will also be accepted where it has been given to a union official, and that official undertakes to pass it on to our Membership Services Team on your behalf.

Written notice will not be accepted in certain circumstances, including but not limited to:

  • Email reply to a ‘no-reply’ email address hosted by the union
  • Email to a workplace delegate
  • Messaging the union over its social media platforms
  • Via SMS, including a reply to a SMS sent by the union
  • Resignation on your behalf by someone other than a union official or a legal guardian

Verbal notice will not be accepted in certain circumstances, including but not limited to:

  • Advising a workplace delegate
  • Advising a union official where that official advises you to put your resignation in writing
  • Leaving a voice mail
  • Resignation on your behalf by someone other than a union official or a legal guardian

Where you are receiving support from the union in relation to a workplace issue and the union becomes aware of the termination of your employment, redundancy or your extended leave from the workplace, the union will not affect a resignation and you must provide us with a written or verbal resignation via the means outlined above.

The union reserves the right at any time to reject a notice of resignation where it is not in accordance with the Union Rules.



Your resignation will be processed as soon as practicable. You will receive an acknowledgment of your request to resign and your fees will be placed on hold. Please take into account that it can take up to 3 business days for fees to be stopped. The union may seek to contact you to discuss your resignation. A final confirmation of your resignation will be sent two weeks following the acknowledgment.

You may retract your resignation request prior to receipt of the final confirmation correspondence. To do so, please contact our Membership Services Team: [email protected](02) 8204 3001.

You are liable for all membership subscriptions, fines, levies and dues owing to the union up to the date the resignation is processed.

Once your resignation has been processed, you can no longer request support or assistance from the union nor can you participate in the affairs of the union. If you seek to re-join the union, the union may exercise its discretion and decline to assist you with any workplace or other issue which occurred in a period of non-membership. A break in your membership may also impact your right to nominate for a position or an office of the union.


The Union Rules do not require the Union to refund membership fees, however the Union may elect to do so in whole or in part on an ex gratia basis if:

  • You have paid fees in advance for an extended period following the resignation;
  • You have left employment and no longer work in industry covered by the union AND are suffering financial hardship;
  • You can demonstrate exceptional or compelling circumstances.

Where a member has deceased, and notification to the union has been delayed by the member’s next of kin, the union will also consider refunding fees.

The decision to refund fees, as well as the refund amount, is at the sole discretion of the union.

The refund amount will be limited to:

  • In the case of ex gratiarefunds, as applicable:
    • The pro rata amount of union fees paid for the period of membership following resignation; or
    • The amount of fees paid to the union from the time the member’s employment terminated to the date the union was provided notice of the resignation request; or
    • Another amount deemed fair and equitable by the union.

Ex gratia refunds will be limited to maximum of three months of membership fees.

Relevant documentation such as a separation certificate from previous employers, proof of correspondence with the union etc. may be requested.

All refunds must be approved by the National Executive. This power has been delegated in accordance with Union Rules to senior officers.

Whilst an administrative expense is incurred by the Union in processing all refunds, the Union, in the exercise of its discretion, currently only charges an administrative fee for amounts over $100. The administrative fee is $10.

If a refund is provided to you, you should be aware that there may be tax implications in relation to claims for tax deductions for your union fees. You are advised to seek appropriate tax guidance.


The Union will keep your original Membership Application in a secure and private environment. The Union is bound by the Privacy Act 1988  (Cth) and any information, such as bank details that you supply, will be treated as confidential and disclosed only in accordance with this Agreement, the Union’s Privacy Policy [www.unitedworkers.org.au/privacy], or otherwise with your consent or as required by law.


This Agreement is governed by the by the laws of the State of Victoria, including applicable Commonwealth laws.

If any provision of this Agreement is found to be illegal, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of the Agreement will continue in force.

We may vary any details of this Agreement at any time by giving You at least 14 days written notice.

This Agreement, as amended from time to time, is in effect on and from March 1, 2021 and remains in effect until further notice.


Amended with effect from:11 October 2021
Content of amendments:

–       Inclusion of reference to Rules and Member Code of Conduct, at 2

–       Minor clarifications relating to State Unions at 2

–       Minor clarifications relating to payment failure procedures at 4 and 5

–       Minor typographical revisions