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2022 quadrennial delegate convention



The United Workers Union applauds the Australian Labor Party’s commitment to The Uluru Statement from the Heart in full, which includes a First Nations voice to Parliament enshrined in the constitution. We note and endorse Labor’s intention to hold a referendum to support a Constitutional Voice in it’s first term in office.

We commit to The United Workers Union to be active in building member and public support for a positive YES vote for a constitutional Voice for First Nations Peoples. United Workers Union further commits to advance the principles of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, endorsed in May 2017 by empowering First Nations members to lead our path towards reconciliation, justice and equality.

Delegates at the 2022 Convention of the United Workers Union thank the First Nations Roundtable, and all members, for their continued guidance, leadership and advice.

Resolution: Jobs you can count on

Members of United Workers Union stand together as one because inclusivity, diversity and solidarity are our biggest strengths. 

We demand jobs you can count on. 

Wages that provide a good quality of life and reflect the value of our work. Stable and consistent hours for our families and our future. Safe jobs and workloads with worker led consultation. No intimidation, no fear. Respect at work, where our union voice is heard. Recognition of skills, training and development opportunities.  Workers shaping the transition to new and emerging industries. Secure jobs for everyone. 

We will take collective action. We will ask all workers to join. To win real change we will be active in our workplaces, in our communities, in boardrooms and the houses of parliament. We will support each other’s fights. We will celebrate each other’s wins.

Sign the Jobs You Can Count On pledge:

Resolution: Climate action

1. We endorse a plan for UWU’s operations to get to zero emissions on a timeline that is in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

2. We call for UWU to put pressure on Labor to ensure we do better than 43% emissions reductions by 2030, and to support policies and targets that are in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

3. We call for UWU to resource a campaign to improve access to Disaster and Emergency Services Leave, with the aim of having universal access enshrined in the National Employment Standards.

4. We endorse the ongoing collaboration and resourcing of the work with Union and non-Union partners towards achieving climate justice.

Hospo Voice Union Climate Rally

Resolution: International solidarity

Convention recognises that for the union movement, to be successful in its aims true to its values, it must be, think and act internationally. Rally cries like ‘touch one, touch all’ and ‘organise, fight, win’ are meant for all workers, everywhere. They should be without the artificial limits of workplaces, domestic or national borders.

The industries that our members’ work maintains are often multinational. The goods filling our warehouses come from everywhere. The patrons that fill our casinos fly in from around the world. Some of our food is imported. Many members in crucial industries such as Aged Care and Farms work here on visa arrangements.

Now more than ever, if we are to confront the challenges we face, our vision must be broad and global.

The beliefs that spur these words necessitate action and accordingly Convention commits to the following:

Reconfirming our commitment to remaining a strong and active affiliate of our global union federations IUF and Uni Global, within the Asia Pacific region and globally;

Reconfirming our commitment to remaining a strong and active affiliate of Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA, the international aid arm of the Australian union movement; including encouraging Convention delegates and members to join APHEDA;

To continue the internationalist political education of our leaders, delegates and members, in our workplaces and broader society;

To engage with the Labor government to ensure that their platform commitment to funding international union development through the Aird budget becomes government policy and where applicable legislation.



Election results

Member Council

Uncontested Offices

Scheduled Election

The results of the election for the following offices conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and the rules of the organisation are:

 Australian Capital Territory Member Councillor (1)

  •  DEMA Karma

 New South Wales Member Councillor (5)

  • MINNS Colin
  • CHANG, Michelle (Chinh Hua)
  • ZALENSKI, Jamie
  • KIRKBY, Jeff
  • BYRNE, Nicole

Northern Territory Member Councillor (1)

  • TILBROOK, Philip

Queensland Member Councillor (7)

  • SMITH, Mandy
  • DEWEY, Amanda
  • TUROMSZA, Barbara
  • REES, Heather
  • WILLIAMS, Janet
  • HALWOOD, Maria
  • FORMICA, Michael

South Australia Member Councillor (4)

  • SCRAGG, Despina
  • JONES, Suzana
  • KIMBER, Elizabeth
  • GOUNDER, Suzanne

Tasmania Member Councillor (1)

  • HINDS, Adrian

Victoria Member Councillor (6)

  • BALL, Christopher
  • ASTUTI, April
  • CLEMENTS, David
  • GALIZA-PUA, Agnes
  • LIDSEY, Tracey

Western Australia Member Councillor (4)

  • MCCORMACK, Carol
  • PANHUYZEN, Delma
  • MOGOUM NGNIE, Josiane

Any Region Member Councillor (21)

  • CRIPPS, Laura
  • THAPA, Pradipa
  • MULLER, Heather
  • GARANG, John
  • NEWTON, John 
  • STEWART, Antoinette
  • DOWDEN, Joel
  • ADAM, Laura
  • NGUYEN, Quynh
  • CLACK, Renay
  • SHIRE, Samira
  • ROWYAMA, Wesley
  • HARMER, Charles
  • HAV, Mengkea
  • TAGALOA, Seia
  • SPENCER, Casey
  • LAVELLE, Bindi
  • BARBER, Judith
  • ABDILLAHI, Mohammed

National Officers

Uncontested Offices

Scheduled Election

The results of the election for the following offices conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 and the rules of the organisation are:

National President (1)

  • SCHOFIELD, Jo-Anne

National Vice Presidents (4)

  • BULLOCK, Gary
  • SMITH, Carolyn
  • ROBERTS, Sam
  • CADDIE, Sharron

National Secretary (1)

  • KENNEDY, Tim

National Executive Members (11)

  • REDFORD, Ben
  • CINANNI, Caterina
  • MUJKIC, Dario
  • MOASE, Godfrey
  • GIBBONS, Helen
  • ARMSTRONG, Jannette
  • LORD, Karma
  • RYAN, Lyndal
  • GATFIELD, Melanie

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