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aged care union members won an additional wage increase

United Workers union aged care members have shown once again that they're a forCe to be reckoned with!

The Fair Work Commission has announced new pay rises for hundreds of thousands of aged care workers.


The Work Value Case Pay Rise isn’t exactly clear cut, and there’s still a lot of information to come about how and when it will be implemented and funded.

We’ve created a FAQ for UWU members answering a range of questions about what this decision means for you. 

Not a member? Join now and we’ll send you the FAQ!

Work Value Case FAQ

what wage increase can you expect?

Personal care workers will now be eligible for up to an additional 13% wage increase (on top of the 15% awarded in 2023), making the total wage increases for some direct care workers up to 28.5% over the past twelve months!
This amazing result would have not been possible without the hard work and lobbying of United Workers Union members.
They campaigned, rallied, and took action in workplaces, the community, and online, and spoke about the importance of the work and the impact they have on the people in their care.
Support workers in catering, cleaning, and laundry will also be eligible for a wage increase of 7%. 
Maintenance and gardening workers have been awarded a 3% increase. 

We still have more work to do to continue to improve wages and conditions, particularly for support workers. 

But this is a massive step forward, and together aged care workers will keep winning!

Historic wage increases don’t just happen – union members fight tooth and nail for them!

when can you expect the wage increase?

What does the timeline for the Work Value Case wage increase is look like?

Indirect care workers will receive their full wage increase in one go from January 2025.

Direct care workers will receive half of the increase in Jan 2025, and the second half in October, which is 6 months earlier than proposed by the Government.

In addition to the wage increases there will be classification changes which further complicate the exact increase you will get.

*The increase percentage for direct care workers and home care workers is different depending on the classification level. The percentage that workers will receive in January and then in October varies depending on the percentage of their final increase.

All workers will also receive the annual award wage increase in July, which is separate from and in addition to the Work Value Case wage increase.

how to ensure you get every dollar owed

Calculating YOUR wage increase won’t be simple. 

With wildly different wages across the sector and the changes to job classifications. Navigating the impending Work Value Case wage increase will be complex. 

There is a chance your employer will make some error during implementation.

Don’t rely on your employer for the correct information and pay!

Join your union now to be FIRST to receive personalised information about exactly what pay increase YOU will receive and when you’ll get it!

Including the member only wage guide which outlines exactly how the wage increase will impact you and what you are entitled too!

What UWU members are saying about the wage increase:

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