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Get involved at your workplace

Want to improve things in your workplace? By organising with other workers you can make change together. The best place to start is with your delegate. If you don’t know who your delegate is get in touch and we can help find them.

Get involved in your industry

Across the country UWU members are organising industry wide campaigns for better conditions, wages, respect and job security. By coming together we can fight and win.


Become a delegate

Want to improve your work environment & make sure your coworkers are treated fairly? Becoming a delegate is a great place to start.

Attend training

Help your workmates stay safe and win change – you can learn more about health and safety and workplace rights through our delegate and health and safety rep training.

Take action together

If it affects working people, it’s union business. As a member you can get involved in campaigns for a, climate action, a better minimum wage, equality in the workplace and more. By coming together with 150,000 members from all over Australia we make things fairer, at work and in the community.

Help Award Workers Win Decent Wages

Join The Fight For A Safe Climate

Stand Up For Gender Equality