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Your Union for Club Workers

We fight for quality jobs in clubs.

We work in registered clubs across NSW as bartenders, baristas, chefs, gaming attendants, and more.

We are part of our community and the heart of our clubs. Together we are campaigning for secure jobs with fair pay and good working conditions.

We’re part of a large union – the United Workers Union – that represents over 150,000 workers from all walks of life across Australia.  Throughout our history, we’ve shown when working people come together, we win.

Join us as we fight hard for jobs we count on, decent pay and conditions, and respect at work.


Contact US

Get in contact or request a call from your union organiser.
contact us

Get active!

Fill out this form to tell us how you’re keen to get involved with your union.


Check out our resources for workers.
Aged Care Union Member

Stand up, Speak out.

A union delegate is another union member just like you. They have a job to do every day, and they answer to the same management that you do. The key difference is that a union delegate has training, tools and protections to help you and other members solve problems at work!


Power up your super

Join one of Hostplus’ Women and Super sessions this International Women's Day to discover how small changes to your super now, could make a big difference to your retirement savings over the long term.

The webinar will cover:

• Why super is a key part of your financial wellbeing.

• Tips on how to power up your super and steps to take now.

• A deep dive into the basics of super including how your money is invested, risk vs return, and more!


Designated work groups and Health and Safety representatives are valuable to club workers to ensure they are getting a say in what safety is and how it is resolved in clubs.

If you’re interested in joining the Work Safety Committee, please let us know here.

New laws mean casual workers have new rights to convert to permanent full-time or part-time employment. Speak to your local organiser to find out more.

Member Win:

Ana was working as a casual at Twin Towns Services Club when her boss offered her a part-time position.

She sought advice from her union, and we let her know she could request full-time conversion as she’d worked a weekly pattern of 39.5 hours for the previous six months.

The club pushed back, but Ana didn’t give up. She took a pen to the contract drawn up by her boss, changing her weekly hours from 37 to 38 and ‘part-time’ to ‘full-time’ before returning it to the club.

Ana says felt nervous and like she was rebelling, but she backed herself and the advice from her union.

The club agreed to convert Ana to full-time as her work would continue on an ongoing basis, and she is now happy in her new full-time position!

Join the union for Club workers

We are currently fighting to improve pay and conditions at multiple clubs, as well as fight for industry-wide change.

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Standing together, we can change our workplaces.

Better Pay and Conditions

Union members stand together for better pay and conditions, respect, and job security.

Community and personal service workers who are union members earn on average $450 more every week.

Back up and Support at Work

When you face poor treatment – like unfair dismissal, safety issues or harassment at work it’s important to be union.

At worksites across the country UWU Delegates, leaders and Health and Safety Reps have your back.

Training, Community & Information

Members have access to exclusive training and development designed to support you at work.

Being union also gives you access to a community of workers and expert information when you need it.

Join a Movement that Wins

When you’re union, you’re part of a national movement with a long history for standing up for what is right.

If you want a fairer Australia, joining your union is the best way to make a difference.


Follow the United Workers Union page for national updates.

Join the local Facebook group for your club or district:

Don’t see your club/district above?

Complete the form below to speak with your local clubs organiser.


To join your union now:

Join online here or call our Membership Services Team on (02) 8204 3001

To update your contact details, or for membership queries:

Please call our Membership Services Team on (02) 8204 3001 or email [email protected]

For assistance with a workplace issue:

  • Please call or email your State or Territory Office on the contact details here.
  • Or complete the form below to speak with your local clubs organiser.
Leave your details here to request a call from your union organiser:


Hostplus is the fund for workers employed in hospitality, tourism, recreation and sport.

For more information, go to: www.hostplus.com.au