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MEDIA ALERT: Car convoy to Woolworths headquarters presents petition for wage equality

WHEN: 9:30 am – 10 am Monday 3 August, 2020

WHERE: 1 Woolworths Way, Bella Vista 2153

WHAT: A car convoy of workers and community supporters drive to Woolworths’ head office in support of workers currently locked out. United Workers Union delegates present a petition of over 4,500 signatures in favour of wage equality to the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Brad Banducci.

WHO: United Workers Union spokesperson Brad Donnelly will be available on-site for comment.

NOTE: Everyone attending this event will be expected to adhere to current social distancing guidelines.

Last Thursday Woolworths locked out it’s Wyong Distribution Centre workforce indefinitely.

The move came after workers angered the company by taking legal industrial action for 24 hours on July 24, in a bid to win wage equality with workers just one hour away in Sydney. Workers chose only a short stoppage to not interrupt supply during the pandemic, clearly not a concern shared by Woolworths.

Workers were ready to make a deal on Thursday, but Woolworths wasn’t interested in going even halfway towards wage equality. The company barely improved its offer, with only a 0.6% increase on wages, well below a meaningful move towards the 16% needed to be on par with those doing the same job in Sydney.

Woolworths wouldn’t even let members vote on a deal, attempting to bully worker representatives at a meeting into endorsing the deal without member support. This is highly unusual, with most agreements requiring the endorsement of union members before they can move ahead.

When representatives insisted workers need to vote on the deal, Woolworths refused, and immediately made moves to lockout workers indefinitely. Woolies’ intimidation tactics have backfired, with workers experiencing a huge outpouring of community support as seen today.


Media Contact: 1300 898 633, [email protected]


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UWU acknowledges that we meet and work on the unceded lands of First Nations peoples. We wish to pay respect to their Elders — past and present — and acknowledge the important role all First Nations peoples continue to play within Australia and in our union.

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Authorised by T. Kennedy, United Workers Union, 833 Bourke St, Docklands, VIC 3008