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The Albanese Government has today secured the passing of their Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill marking the end of decade-long wage suppression.

Workers now have a chance at wage growth that they haven’t had in more than ten years.

United Workers Union congratulates the Prime Minister and Employment and Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke on securing the passage of the Bill through the Parliament.

United Workers Union members played an important role in securing this legislation – speaking up on the impacts of low pay, casualised and insecure work that they face on a daily basis. United Workers Union members met with Senators and politicians across the Parliament urging them to support this Bill.

Senator David Pocock joined with the Government, the Greens and some crossbench MPs in the lower house to vote in favour of wage growth for working people, and to reject the scare campaign attempted by big business to prevent this Bill from passing.

With the passage of this Bill through the parliament, workers across the country will finally begin to have an equal playing field with their employers and be able to negotiate pay rises through a system that is fairer and more equitable. This Bill will also support workers to take action to close the gender pay gap.

United Workers Union National Secretary Tim Kennedy says this is a great day for workers and communities after more than a decade of policy settings designed to suppress wages.

“Workers need the protections and the rights set out in the Secure Jobs, Better Pay bill. There is still work to be done to ensure workers can win a fair share in our country.

“We congratulate the Greens and Senator David Pocock for joining with the Government to vote for these IR laws. It has taken courage to stand up for workers against the aggressive scare campaign being run by big business over the last few months.

“This bill is not a silver bullet, but it offers hope to millions of workers that there is a path to achieve better pay and secure jobs.

“Our members and working people across the country look forward to the Albanese Government delivering on its commitments to regulate the gig economy, end rorting of labour hire and casual employment, and end systemic wage theft.”



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