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United Workers Union welcomes today’s announcement by the South Australian State Government of a review into all hospital services currently delivered by private companies.

“We have been saying for a long time that the delivery of public services by private companies needs to stop,” said Kimberley Rowney, United Workers Union public sector coordinator.

“With outsourcing comes the insecure delivery of services for our community, with the effects of this being felt this week in hospitals across our state. Not enough bed linen for our much-needed hospital beds is not good enough!

“Essential services need to be taken out of the hands of private operators who put profit before service delivery.

“Today’s commitment from the Government to review outsourced services is a really positive step towards changing things for the better – for the community and workers.

“Good, secure union jobs is in the best interest of tax payers and privatisation is a failed business model.

“If the Government was to bring an end to these privately run services, we would see an end to inefficiencies like the ones we’ve seen the last few days,” Ms Rowney said.

UWU looks forward to working productively with the Government to insource essential public services.


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