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Your union for restaurant, bar, and cafe workers.

We prepare and serve your food and drinks.

Everyday, in cafes, bars, and restaurants, we prepare, cook and serve the food and drinks you enjoy with family and friends.

We are fighting against widespread wage theft and poor conditions in hospitality. We are the driving force behind Hospo Voice, which has had huge wins nationwide – like criminalising wage theft in Victoria and Queensland. To continue our fight, we need even more hospitality workers across the country on board.

You can learn more about the benefits of joining United Workers Union here.

Work in hospitality?

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United Workers Union is our union for hospitality workers. Sign up online now.

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we're taking the power back

Stand up, Speak out.

The issues facing hospo workers are too big to tackle alone. We're coming together to build our collective power and take on the big issues facing hospitality - like insecure work, bullying, harassment, health and safety, and wage theft.

Join the hospitality workers union!

Standing together, we can change our workplaces.

Better Pay and Conditions

Union members stand together for better pay and conditions, respect, and job security.

Australian workers who are union members earn on average $250 more every week.

Back up and Support at Work

When you face poor treatment – like unfair dismissal, safety issues or harassment at work it’s important to be union.

At worksites across the country UWU Delegates, leaders and Health and Safety Reps have your back.

Training, Community & Information

Members have access to exclusive training and development designed to support you at work.

Being union also gives you access to a community of workers and expert information when you need it.

Join a Movement that Wins

When you’re union, you’re part of a national movement with a long history for standing up for what is right.

If you want a fairer Australia, joining your union is the best way to make a difference.

media releases + campaign updates

recent news:

The union representing hospitality workers has urged the Fair Work Commission to exercise caution when considering proposed changes to the Restaurant Industry Award. Amidst cries from hospitality employers who say they’re struggling to find staff, the United Workers Union (UWU) is warning that any cuts to take home pay would be an act of self-harm to the industry. In a submission to the Fair Work Commission lodged today, UWU has made clear that no worker should be left worse-off, and that, in the pursuit of fairness, workers must be properly consulted on changes before and after they are implemented. The submission was made in response to a process initiated by former Attorney General Christian Porter to modify some awards. In response, UWU members met throughout the process as the proposals took shape, and after the commission expressed its “provisional support” for the changes. UWU members have suggested that if FWC decides to bring in these changes, a range of additional safeguards must be adopted including: A limited 12 month trial A review starting 9 months after commencement A monitoring committee made up of Union and industry representatives Enhanced powers for FWC to resolve disputes UWU Director Ben Redford said that the union had consistently opposed any measure which would mean workers covered by the award would suffer detriment or be worse off than they are under the current provisions and would continue to do so. “Reductions in take home pay would not assist this industry to continue to recover from the economic effect…
Background: The United Workers Union represents a large percentage of minimum wage and award reliant workers such as cleaners, security guards, early childhood educators, food services workers, farm workers, hospitality workers and aged and home care workers. Quotes attributable to United Workers Union National Secretary Tim Kennedy: “An $18.80 per-week increase to minimum wage appears favourable on the surface but doesn’t go far enough to address the ever-widening gap in inequality. “The $18.80, which amounts to $0.49-per-hour, will do little to help those struggling with big increases in cost of living - for food, energy and housing. “To compound this very small increase for Australian workers, many essential workers will have to wait later in the year despite being the very workers who keep our society working through the ongoing pandemic. “Economic indicators show that Australia is well on the way to recovery and in some States, their economy is performing better than pre-COVID 19. Therefore, it’s only fair that the workers that have contributed to the recovery are rewarded for their efforts.”   ENDS Media Contact: 1300 898 633, [email protected]


Hostplus is the fund for workers employed in hospitality, tourism, recreation and sport.

For more information, go to: www.hostplus.com.au