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Get Help At Work

As a union member you are supported if you’re facing tough conditions, with a community of workers, delegates, Health and Safety Reps and union officials who have your back. 

Talk to your delegate first. If you don’t have a delegate, or know who your delegate is, you can contact the Member Rights team at United Workers Union for assistance.

You can contact us if you need help understanding and enforcing workplace entitlements, if there is a risk to your health and safety or that of anyone else, if you’re facing a disciplinary issue, when you have been denied leave, if you believe you may have been underpaid, or in any other circumstance at work that you are unsure about. 

You can find the phone number and email address for each State and Territory here.

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What to Expect

You can contact us by phone, where you will generally leave a voicemail, or you can send us an email. You can find the phone number and email address for each State and Territory here.

Please let us know:

  • your name
  • contact number
  • a brief outline of the issue
  • any deadlines
  • the best time to reach you
  • copies of key documents (in email)

Generally, we need to review relevant documents before we can give you detailed advice. Depending on the issue, relevant documents include your contract of employment, recent pay slips and any correspondence with your employer about the workplace issue. Gathering your documents before getting in touch will help us to support you.

We might ask what you have already done to resolve the issue and prompt you to raise the issue with your employer as a first step. If you’re unsure we can talk you through it.

Not a member yet?

Join now! By joining UWU, you are joining a union of over 150,000 members standing together to make a difference.  

If a workplace issue pre-dates your membership, we can provide limited advice and guidance. Any workplace issues that arise after you became a member will be eligible for full assistance. 

Protect your rights at work